Description Features Special Item Floating in the field. Attack them to release special power!! Support table cabinet for 4P, 6P, & 8P as well as upright cabinet for 3P & 4P. Adjustable at Setting; Support maximum gun value 1000. Gun value adjustable at Setting; Glowing Fish: After killed, all the same kind of fish […]
Description Make the bets by pushing the BET button once or several times. Pushing BET increases the bet on the line. And set a number of playing lines with STOP 1 button, the total bet will be equal to the multiplication of the bet on one line and number of playing lines. Push the START […]
Description Features Horizontal cabinet for 4P, 6P, 8P & 10P as well as vertical cabinet for 3P & 4P are supported. To be set on the manual screen; Maximum gun value 9900. Can be selected at setting: 1-49 with two gun barrels, 50-9900 with three guns barrels; Silver shark 30 Times,Red shark 40,Dolphin 40-200,Fire […]